Sunday, March 1, 2015

Nota Bene 3

Once again I find it useful to dump some of the material on my list of ideas for future essays. The list keeps getting longer at a rate faster than I can imagine working on it. And since I don't want to commit to a schedule that might entail the publication of more than one essay each week, it serves my purposes to present a brief taste of what interests me, and let anyone who wishes to develop it do so. If and when I have the time and the interest, I might do so myself – but now's not the time. So here [what follows] are some of my thoughts:

[As you'll soon see. I've chosen to present the unadorned notes for certain subjects. The format relieves me of the time-consuming job of writing an introductory paragraph, and allows me to include more of the issues that concern me. I have my own view of the direction these groupings and their components should take, but it's not something I can dictate since I'm not completing the job. The points are in the space below. Mine it if you see fit.]

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1.       The First Amendment
Speech, hate speech, provocative of violence, libel. Are all justified by the Constitution?
(False screaming of) “Fire” in a crowded theater
Political speech
Lying and its limits (if any)
Promises, oaths (legal and otherwise), contracts
Promise of marriage – breach of promise
Censorship, self censorship
Who can listen? Tapping telephones. Privacy
The cost of Freedom of the Press. Is it only for the wealthy?

Hate Speech – The Case Against
Love Speech

Die you mother-*#&@# son-of-a-^~#*&$. I hope you rot in Hell.” [Contains a reference to sexual intercourse (*#&@#). Therefore it must be love speech.] Even moreso if it occurs during a rape

This is your punishment for deviating from the Bible. I pray that you are forgiven.” [Said to a homosexual with AIDS it constitutes hate speech.]

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2.       Change the Constitution.  
The Bill of Rights was an “afterthought.” A necessary afterthought. Should it be updated?
First Amendment: What are its limits? Freedom of Speech vs. insults and condemnation of particular groups.
Second Amendment: Is it still justified? With terrorism do we need it more than ever?
Fourth Amendment: Does security override privacy?
Etc. Including rights of “minority” groups
What are the rights of the majority?
Would you change (or define) the charge of the President, Congress, the Courts? How?
Would you limit their authority?
Would you mandate compromise?

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3.       They: Different “they”s and their arenas (for better or worse).
The “rich”
The Courts
Who are the decision-makers who rule our lives and how are they chosen? Do they have any responsibility to us? Have we any control over them?

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4.       What is America's (or the country you live in) obligation (if any) to:
Protect other governments? Are we (should we be) the world's policemen?
Protect the citizens of other countries?
Provide for our own
Selves – no matter what it costs and who pays it
“Underclasses” – Is socialism justified?
Children and grandchildren
Give them a better world
Don't saddle them with debt
Protect the world's environment
Is there a problem?  
Can it take care of itself?
Is it too late to solve problems?
What are the costs and who will wind up paying them?
Should the “Third World” get a pass to catch up?
Or should we mind our own business and leave the world alone? Is the status quo better than what we might do.?

From time to time I've raised these subjects, but my thoughts about them at this time are a little different from the past. Some would require a multi-part discussion were I to tackle them, so I leave it to you. And in this semi-random outline form I can list a more complete selection of the areas of concern that I have. I have enough to write about without dealing with them.  (By the way, the original formatting doesn't seem to transfer properly, so you'll have to figure out what some of the sub topics are.  For example, in the last grouping "security," and everything thereafter are areas which we may want society to provide.  And the five issues after "Our children ..." relate to that subject.  Good luck.)

Next week back to the regularly scheduled programs.

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