Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Various Revelations II

A continuation of my random thoughts. I don't feel like devoting full essays to them, but they've planted themselves in my head. I don't know if my concerns are legitimate or if I'm just looking at reality through a distorting lens, but here are some of my peeves. Feel free to disagree.

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I've been wondering about the sexual revolution. No. That took place many decades ago. What I'm really wondering about is the genderal revolution which has exploded this century. I hear more and more about LGBTQ rights, and most recently these have revolved around those with sexual dysphoria. I note that more and more clergy are willing to perform wedding ceremonies for those who are – same-sex marriages and the like. And the courts are moving in the direction of making it a crime to have objections, religious or otherwise, to such acts.

And the religious establishment is falling into line. More and more faiths are accepting the trend and approve of what used to be forbidden. Not only do clergy perform same-sex marriages, but increasing numbers are themselves gay or lesbian. All with the approval of the religious hierarchy. I'm interested in learning what their reaction will be (or already is) to transgender ministers and cross-dressing rabbis. Biblical thought has become a fascinating subject. Even for those who reject it.

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There is no question that Donald Trump is my president. And yours. And the president of all those who deny that he is theirs – though they never say who is. In any event, there can be little doubt that he is a very smart man. Anyone with his achievements in business, entertainment, politics, and whatever else must be smart.

But that does not mean that he is wise or good. He has a reputation for being a thin-skinned shoot-from-the-hip type with little concern for the truth, the feelings of others, or the image of America that he is projecting to the world. He is our president, but that doesn't mean we approve of his behavior. It doesn't mean that we're not embarrassed by it. Perhaps it is a pose and his policies will have a beneficial effect on our country; perhaps he'll grow up and grow into his office. We'll see, but I'm not optimistic.

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Most of what I've heard (and some of it may be true?) comes from the radio although the newspapers have some fascinating, if not verifiable, information as well, This particular harangue arose, as usual from a radio report. I knew that soda and most sweet drinks were considered as poison for children (and, to a degree, adults) but I was surprised to hear that some nutritionists recommended that children not drink fruit juice, only water. After all, there's sugar in fruit juice and children should learn not to drink anything sweet.

Over the years I have heard and read an assortment of nutritional (and medical) “truths” only to find that, sometime later, contrary regulations are presented. Eggs have had a rise and fall (I'm not referring to Humpty-Dumpty); the “nutritional pyramid” is revised periodically; salt restrictions, once declared for everyone, no longer apply to much of the population. Add to that the dispute about whether it's good to be skinny or a little overweight and whether skimmed milk is preferable to whole milk. There is disagreement among nutritionists, and with some doctors as well. My choice is to ignore it all and eat what I like. I may not live as long as I might (though I'll never know) but I'll enjoy what I eat.


There's a big flap over ecology. I've heard about great concern regarding the extinction of various species. Cost should not be the issue. Save them! But evolution's been going on for a long time and, as far as we know, we wouldn't be here if some of the previous species had remained. My children believe I had a pet dinosaur but that's not the case. In fact I'm happy that they're gone.

What's never discussed is that along with losing some, there are new species developing all the time. Some of them may be more beneficial than the ones that are disappearing, but no real comparison is possible. However it's the way of the world. There's nothing to be gained by burdening society in order to preserve species that block our progress.

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That's it for now. I'm sure more will cross my mind as the days go by and this is far easier than writing long essays on each. Stay tuned.

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